Joining the pack is a choice. A choice to elevate your lifestyle. A choice to be more conscious. A choice to be part of a unique group. A choice to be on a higher level.

Our Patented Rolling Paper Pack

Welcome to Wolfpack®!

“Let me tell you something about wolves, child. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, and share our strengths.”

George R. R. Martin

Rolling with us is a bold statement to lead and not follow. As your pack members, we aim to elevate your lifestyle and help you make conscious decisions.

Wolves are vital leaders in creating healthy, sustainable and thriving ecosystems. Their importance drives us to design top-notch products that contribute to the greater good.

Some may refer to us as innovators and trailblazers, but we call it Alpha. Are you ready to roll on another level? Join us!

Quality Commitment

We invite you to join our “pack” and true strength to create a positive difference in your world. Rolling with Wolfpack® is a chance for each of us to use our lifestyles for a higher calling. By being a pack member, we can work independently or together for a higher level of existence.

At Wolfpack®, we wanted to do something unique. With more freedom to choose from in our lifestyles, we knew we wanted to offer apex products to the cannabis market.

We recognize that, for many, cannabis is a way of life. Whether a casual indulgence or a deep connection, the pack can enhance your experience. The world around us refuses to stay the same, so we ask, why choose to roll the same old way? As our products evolve, we wish to roll with you and the changing times.

Our commitment is to provide the highest quality rolling experience to those willing to make the commitment to the highest level.

Being the Alpha

Wolfpack was created with one simple goal: to make your smoking experience as fluid as possible. Wolfpack was inspired by searching for a product with everything a nomad might need to roll one up. Traditional sets are bulky and cumbersome to get together when on the go. When we founded Wolfpack we knew that was over, and we knew that we had to share this brilliant product with the world.

Its innovative package, which combines a grinder, tray, and papers, is the product that could change the game. We even stepped it up a notch by ensuring that the papers are of the finest quality and environmentally friendly, with no added colours or burn additives.

Northern Lights Wolf Centre

As a Canadian company, we realize that it is crucial to have environmentally friendly products and values Canadian-owned businesses that give back. As a company inspired by wolves, we’re also for the wolves. Each pack bought, a percentage goes to the Northern Lights Wolf Centre to combat illegal hunting and animal cruelty.

Read more about the centre here.

The Story of the Pack

In nature, few creatures command the same importance and influential presence of the wolf. By living and hunting in packs, wolves find their true strength when socially working together. As apex predators, wolves are vital leaders in creating a sustainable, healthy, thriving ecosystem. Though nearly hunted to extinction, we believe that with continued support, we will help wolves restore balance to many wildlife frontiers to benefit all future generations.

The wolf pack has inspired us to look at the world differently. We hope to tribute positively to each of our members and hope we can all thrive together in a pack of our own.

Contact The Wolfpack

Have a question? Get in touch! We’ll respond in no less than 24-48 hours. Thank you for your business.